Grateful Members’ Day in October

Grateful Members’ Day in October

Nalanda members began our monthly “Members’ Day” with pūja led by the President, Bro. K. F. Lee.

On Sunday 26 October, Nalandians from Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur branches gathered at Nalanda Centre for the October “Members’ Day”.  This monthly gathering was an important occasion to catch up with our friends and to encourage one another in our spiritual learning and cultivation.

Founder Bro. Tan was invited to address the gathering, where he updated members on the development of Nalanda Centre Expansion Project, showing photographs of the building progress on each floor.  Bro. Tan stressed that humility, gratitude and appreciation are essential qualities to cultivate.  He thus urged members to appreciate the efforts put in by the Building Team each time we make use of the facilities at Nalanda.

Bro. Tan paid tribute to members who put into practice one of Nalanda’s Core Values – “Service”.

Bro. Tan also paid tribute to members who came forward to serve the Society selflessly, putting into practice one of Nalanda’s Core Values – “Service”.  Bro. Tan advised us to ‘see the light within ourselves, and to see the light in others, too’, i.e. to cherish the goodness and virtues found in every individual.

Members’ Day continued with the Hon. Secretary Sis. Buddhini Tan updating members on the success of Sungai Petani Branch’s recently held fund-raising concert, ‘Melodies for the Heart’.  She expressed appreciation to Nalandians from Sri Serdang, Kuala Lumpur, and Johor Bahru who went all the way to Kedah to lend their invaluable support.

Honorary Secretary Sis. Buddhini Tan updating members on the success of recent events.

After the Members’ Day gathering, many Nalandians stayed on to help clean up the Centre, as Nalanda was expected to host several visiting groups and major events over the next few weeks.  It was indeed a fruitful Members’ Day and we were grateful for the opportunities to be of service, to reflect, and to improve ourselves as individuals and as a community.  Sadhu anumodana!

Young Nalandians cleaning the Nalanda Youth Centre.