Gratitude abounds on Memorial Day

Gratitude abounds on Memorial Day

Our thoughts are filled with appreciation for the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda.

On Thursday 31 August, Nalanda members and devotees gathered to pay tribute to the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda, on the anniversary of his passing 17 years ago.  Remembering Ven. Dhammananda with much gratitude in our hearts, the congregation recollected his efforts grounded in wisdom and compassion which transformed the landscape of Buddhism in Malaysia and continues to benefit all of us today.

Bro. Tan Siang Chye related that ‘Kataññu’ (gratitude) is a positive mental quality which comes from reflecting on the goodness and contribution of others.  Gratitude arises when we are truly thankful for what others have done for us and what we have received. It builds meaningful connection with others, by stopping our minds from focusing on their negatives and instead on positive aspects.

Achariya Vijaya paying tribute to Ven. K Sri Dhammananda for his pivotal guidance and always being with us in spirit.

Sis. Buddhini welcomes members and students as everyone gathers for the flag raising.

Raising the Malaysia flag to the national anthem to commemorate and pay tribute to our nation’s 66th Independence Day.

At K. Sri Dhammananda Centre, members pay their respects at the shrine.

The late Venerable’s robe was then ceremonially carried by Achariya Tan Siang Chye, in a short procession from K. Sri Dhammananda Centre to Nalanda Centre, accompanied by Nalanda members

Let us continue to ardently learn and reflect on the wonderful teachings and inspiring qualities of our late teacher, to spur us on the Dhamma path for the well-being of ourselves and all beings.  Sadhu.

Achariya Vijaya and Sis. Buddhini represents the congregation in placing a candle and flowers at the shrine symbolizing our respect to Ven. Dhammananda.

Paying respects to the shrine of the late Ven. Dhammananda.

Cultivating gratitude in our hearts allows us more opportunity to be truly appreciative of any conditions we are in.

Sis. Lau Wei Nee giving a talk to Dhamma School students on the selfless and noble contributions of Ven. Dhammananda.

Devotees had the opportunity to offer dana to venerable members of the Sangha.

Venerable monks lead the congregation in the sharing of merits.

We thank everyone for their keen participation in this memorial for our late Spiritual Adviser.

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