It was inspiring to witness the participation of many more children, teenagers and youths in this year’s ‘Sangha Day’ celebration.
On Sunday 19 November, Nalanda Buddhist Society celebrated our annual ‘Sangha Day’ to honour the significance and contributions of the monastic community towards the preservation and propagation of Buddha-Dhamma.
The programme began at 9am with meditation, offerings to the ‘Three Jewels’, and Pāli chanting. Nalanda founder Bro. Tan spoke to the congregation about the meaning of ‘Sangha’, which refers to a community of Dhamma practitioners during Buddha’s lifetime.
Bro. Tan spoke to the congregation about the meaning of ‘Sangha’, which refers to a community of Dhamma practitioners during Buddha’s lifetime.
The congregation then enjoyed two Dhamma talks – Achariya S. Vijaya spoke in English about the significance of robes offering in Theravāda Buddhism, and Ven. Ayya Dhammanandī delivering an uplifting talk in Mandarin.
The highlight of ‘Sangha Day’ was the offering of robes, requisites, and food to Sangha members. Following Nalandian tradition, four bhikkhus were invited for this occasion – two monks each from of the two main vihāra in Kuala Lumpur.
Also in accordance to Nalanda tradition, heads of Nalanda education, management, and representatives of Nalanda teachers, members, and benefactors led batches of devotees to make offerings to the Maha Sangha.
It was a joyous spiritual experience for hundreds of participants who attended the ‘Sangha Day’ at Nalanda Centre. Many devotees felt they have learned something important through the talks and teachings arranged throughout the day.
Nalanda thanks venerable Sangha members for accepting our humble offerings. We also thank all donors and devotees who have offered robes, requisites, and donated to the Sangha fund. We also thank all our wonderful volunteers for your tireless effort in making the occasion an inspiring celebration of gratitude. Sadhu anumodana!