Gratitude & rejoice at Sangha Day

Gratitude & rejoice at Sangha Day

Nalanda leaders and representatives led in the offerings to the Maha Sangha.

Last Sunday 29 October, over 300 Nalanda members, Dhamma School students, volunteers and devotees gathered for a joyous Sangha Day Observance at Nalanda Centre.  Friends and families from across Malaysia, came together to learn Dhamma and perform the meritorious deed of honouring the virtues and contributions of the monastic community.

In the English and Mandarin Dhamma talks, the congregation better understood how the Sangha was first started, and their significant role since the time of Buddha, to practice and preserve His teachings for the benefit of mankind until today.  Recognising that their diligence is why we are able to learn and practice the Dhamma today, devotees made offerings of robes and requisites to the Mahā Sangha with humility and gratitude.

At the start of the day, leaders and members gather for the flag raising, with Bro. Charlie giving an encouraging message.

On observance days, members together pay respects to our late spiritual adviser Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda and all departed teachers, in the customary ‘Achariya Abhivādana’.

The service started with meditation followed by offerings to the Three Jewels and chanting.

The service started with meditation followed by offerings to the Three Jewels and chanting.

The service started with meditation followed by offerings to the Three Jewels and chanting.

Sis. Buddhini Tan, President, delivering the Samaggi Day message.

Our appreciation to Ven. B. Siriwimala, Ven. Dhammadasi, Ven. Seevali and Ven Sobitha for their compassion in enabling the lay community to pay tribute to the Sangha.  We also thank the organising team, volunteers and devotees in making this observance a heartfelt occasion.  We rejoice in these sincere acts of thankfulness and may your good deeds be supporting conditions for your spiritual journey.  Sadhu anumodāna.

In the English Dhamma talk given by Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy, devotees learned more about the monastic community and the role they play for the past 26 centuries.

Bro. Ooi Boon Keat delivered the Dhamma talk in Mandarin, giving devotees a deeper understanding of how we can support the Sangha.

Welcoming venerable members of the Sangha to Nalanda Centre.

Everyone rejoiced over the wholesome deeds of their spiritual friends.

Parents guiding their children to make the offerings respectfully to the Maha Sangha.

Devotees offer with hearts of gratitude to the Sangha for preserving and teaching the Dhamma.

Venerable monks chanting verse of blessings for the congregation.

Ven. Sriwimala leads devotees in sharing merits with the dearly departed.

Devotees are grateful for opportunities to serve the monks.

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