Greening the world with trees

Greening the world with trees

You can help green the world by sponsoring tree-planting at Wisdom Park with just RM120 a tree.

In November 2018, the Wisdom Park Development Committee created the ‘Subcommittee on Ecology, Horticulture & Landscaping’.  Nicknamed the “Green Warriors of Wisdom Park”, the group is tasked with greening the 39-acre campus and rehabilitating its environmental vitality.  Efforts to reforest the campus with native flora started in April 2018.  As of 17 December, 140 trees and 430 shrubs have been planted by volunteers on its spacious grounds.

We would like to invite you to sponsor the planting of local trees in Wisdom Park to help the restoration of its ecology.  We envisage that in future, the campus will become a green, natural sanctuary of learning where many beings can rejuvenate their minds and spirits – and you can play a big part in its creation.

Sponsor RM120 per tree to be planted in Wisdom Park in your honour.  Donations can be made at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang, or via bank transfer to:

“Nalanda Buddhist Society”
Maybank account number : 5121-4702-3622
[ Please state purpose: “Sponsor tree planting”.]

For more information, kindly visit Wisdom Park website at  Your support will greatly impact the establishment of a holistic ecosystem there.  Thank you!