On Saturday 1 March, Nalandians welcomed Āyasmā U Ottamasara together with twenty monastic and lay devotees to Nalanda Centre. Āyasmā U Ottamasara, the abbot of Thabarwa Meditation Centre in Yangon, Myanmar, was impressed with the aesthetic design and peaceful ambience of Nalanda Centre. He was also happy with Nalanda’s impactful educational programmes.
On Monday 3 March, Nalanda Centre welcomed another group visit by samaneris and maechis. They were from Thailand, Italy and Malaysia. Lunch dāna was offered to the samaneris and maechis at Nalanda House, followed by a building tour of Nalanda Centre.
Director of Pustaka Nalanda Bro. Ananda Fong showing the Roman Script Pāli Tipitaka to the visitors.
Both group visits were warmly received by Nalandian Officers and devotees. We wish all the Sangha members and devotees the best of health, and safe journey back to their countries. Thank you for visiting Nalanda!