We thank venerable sirs, members, volunteers and devotees for their contribution and participation in the 8th National Convention.
From 30 April to 3 May, more than 130 Nalanda members and core volunteers from Serdang headquarters and all branches gathered at Wisdom Park in Kuala Kubu Bahru to participate in the 8th National Nalanda Members’ Convention. It was a joyous reunion of Nalandians as many have not met in the two-year hiatus due to Covid-19 restrictions.
The momentous occasion kicked off with the installation of the official ‘Buddha-rupaṃ’ (Buddha image) in the Main Hall with the blessings of Sangha members. This was followed by blessings of the newly-completed Guest Lodges, Management Centre and Memorial Pavilions.
Ven. Dhammaloka and Ven. Seevali lead the Buddha Puja during the installation of the Buddha-rupam. In this photo, Ven. Seevali encouraged Nalandians to continue placing emphasis on Dhamma education, especially for teenagers and youths so the Buddha-Sasana may long endure.
In her talk, Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy referred to the Kosambiyā Sutta (MN48) to expand on the principles of harmony within a community.
After the evening chanting, Sis. Nandini Tan reminds us that a community which works in harmony and unity can contribute much more to the Buddha-Sasana.
Sis. Buddhini Tan, President of the Society, shared with participants the need for us to play our part. Our service and contributions, no matter big or small, is needed to progress the Society’s mission.
In commemorating Nalanda’s 19th Anniversary on 1 May, we recollected the Society’s journey in Buddhist education and how this unchanged mission remains ever more relevant in today’s environment. The Convention theme “Hands Together, Hearts Connected” deepened the discussion into the purpose of a Buddhist community, and how it gains strength when our hearts are connected to Dhamma. When we embody the Buddhist missionary spirit, we naturally join hands to play our part in a harmonious and united community.
Participants also had the opportunity to embark on an experiential learning journey in the open spaces of the parks and pavilions at Wisdom Park. After every hands-on activity, each team reflected on the learnings and insights on the significance of trust, teamwork and the role of the community in bringing about personal transformation through Buddhist education.
In celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Nalanda Youth Centre, Bro. Lim Ajit, Youth Leader shares its rewarding journey and growth through the years.
Management thanked the Wisdom Park core volunteers who have been committed their time and efforts to serve there in various capacities.
Nalandians joyfully welcomed Ven. Saranankara on Nalanda Day and were grateful to receive words of advice from our Spiritual Adviser.
By the conclusion of the 4-day convention, the camaraderie and spirit of everyone were charged up and highly-positive. Participants understood the importance of coming together in harmony and unity to serve the Buddha-Sāsana and the community; at the same time serving together also forms our spiritual practice, as we tend to our own well-being and growth.
We express our deepest gratitude to all Sangha members for your gracious presence, Dhamma teachers, the Organising Committee and all participants for making this Convention a remarkable experience for all! May the Buddha-Sāsana long endure!
Sis. Santi Cheang advised participants to look towards their good spiritual friends for support and encouragement in their spiritual journey.
Sis. Hui Shien moderated the forum where Nalandians shared their inspiring stories in learning Dhamma and service to the community.
Participants recollected and rejoiced in their experience for the past 3 days, reconnecting with kalyana mittas.