Happy birthday, Singapore!

Happy birthday, Singapore!

Nalandians wish our Singaporean friends a joyful celebration of their National Day!

Today marks the Republic of Singapore’s 50th National Day.  Our closest neighbour to the south is widely regarded as a well-developed and prosperous nation, known for its first-class infrastructure, education, and the embrace of multi-culturalism.  Many people attribute Singapore’s success to its superior geographic location at the crossroads of trade routes.  But then many other countries are also similarly endowed; yet they do not achieve Singapore’s accomplishments.

A lot of Singapore’s achievements are attained through the combination of visionary leadership, good governance, abhorrence towards corruption, and the discipline of a united people.  These are the foundations of effective nation-building.

On this special occasion, Nalandians would like to wish our Singaporean friends a joyous celebration of their National Day with unity and harmony.  We truly rejoice over your success.  Majulah Singapura!