‘Happy Buddhists’ attend Service Sunday

‘Happy Buddhists’ attend Service Sunday

Achariya Vijaya delivering a humorous and delightful talk on ‘Why Buddhists are Happy People’.

Report by Gan Bee Ching | Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 8 June, Nalanda Centre was again filled with devotees eager to learn Dhamma.  The morning Service began with pūja, chanting and meditation.  After which, the congregation was delightfully surprised by the unexpected presence of Bro. Tan, who shared words of wisdom about ‘happiness’.

Bro Tan said that happiness is just like a shadow which cannot be captured nor detained.  Rather, one should focus on achieving the object, which is ‘well-being’.  Where there is well-being, there is happiness.  And the foundation of well-being is a ‘good mind’, which is developed through cultivating our minds and characters, and not through prayers or wishful thinking.

Bro. Choong Li (left) and Charlie (front) leading the congregation in chanting reverentially.

Soon after, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama delivered a talk on ‘Why Buddhists are Happy People’.  Achariya Vijaya focused on aspects of the Dhamma in developing happiness, including (1) living in the present; (2) cultivating loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity; and (3) abandoning the degrading ‘karmic parents’ of craving, anger and delusion.

After the talk, devotees joyfully took part in cleaning and tidying up the Centre.  That is why we call it “Service Sunday”, because we dedicate Sundays to perform meritorious services at the Centre!  The happy congregation later dedicated merits to all beings, and to the safe and successful completion of Nalanda Centre Expansion Project.  Sadhu anumodana!

After the Dhamma talk comes 'service' hour for all devotees! Volunteers mindfully and energetically cleaning the Nalanda van and Centre.

Devotees joyfully help in cleaning and tidying up various parts of Nalanda Centre. Sadhu anumodana!