Happy Teachers’ Day 2013

Happy Teachers’ Day 2013

Today is Teachers’ Day.  The Principal of Nalanda Free School and Acting Director of Nalanda Dharma School, Bro. H S Tan, cordially invites Nalandians to come for a special Púja in honour of all our teachers.  May they be blessed with health, joy and wisdom.  May our teachers enjoy many more happy, fulfilling years of teaching!  After the Púja, there will be a Mandarin Dhamma Talk by Ven. Ajahn Cagino entitled “The Role of Teachers and Parents in Nurturing Children Holistically”.  All are welcome!

Happy Teachers’ Day to all our wonderful Dhamma Speakers and Nalandian tutors!  “Terima kasih cikgu-cikgu“, for guiding and nurturing your students with so much love and dedication.  Your work is much appreciated; and the effects of your endeavour will be long felt!  With gratitude from all of us at Nalanda.