Much of our success in life, we owe it to good teachers and the great lessons they provide. Thank you!
Today, we again celebrate Teacher’s Day in Malaysia. For the development of a happy community and successful nation, good teachers are truly indispensable. They are the ones who can directly shape the culture and attitude of future citizens.
Good teachers to the present generation of students cannot be merely providers of information, which nowadays, is easily available to everyone at the touch of a keypad. What students need is the touch of inspiration in learning from competent, caring and righteous teachers. Therefore, today’s educators should be exemplars of integrity, virtue and wisdom.
Teachers need to be aware of the society’s changing expectations, and equip themselves with universally wholesome qualities, so that they can continue to play their educator’s role effectively. Indeed, the schooling of a successful future generation begins with the holistic education of their teachers.
Nalanda would like to wish all teachers – whether secular or spiritual ones – a joyful Teacher’s Day celebration! We thank you for your sacrifices and selfless contributions. We owe so much of our success in life to you.