Participants concluded the meaningful camp with happy smiles and grateful hearts.
From 18 to 20 October, Nalanda hosted the Upasika Camp conducted by Ven. Chuan Wen 传闻法师 and Ven. Dao He 道和法师. Organised by Chempaka Buddhist Lodge, more than 50 Dhamma sisters from all over Malaysia gathered to deepen their understanding of the Dhamma and practice together as a community.
We rejoice in the efforts of all spiritual guides, the organising team, volunteers and participants who contributed to making this camp meaningful and fruitful. May the merits from your kind intentions and actions continue to support your progress along the Noble Eightfold Path. Sadhu anumodana.

Sis. Wei Nee welcomed the group and gave an introduction about Wisdom Park.

Ven. Chuan Wen guiding the group in their learning.

Participants immersed themselves in various learning activities.

Participants immersed themselves various in learning activities.

Practicing mindfulness with outdoor walking meditation in the campus.

Nalanda volunteers are grateful for the opportunity to host the group.

Sis. Nandini Tan thanked Venerables for their visit and support.

Exchange greetings with Bro. Phuah, the President of Chempaka Buddhist Lodge.

A joyful service with volunteers from Chempaka Buddhist Lodge.
For more photos, please click here