Hosting Ven. Alokavamsa at Nalanda

Hosting Ven. Alokavamsa at Nalanda

Ven. Alokavamsa arriving at Nalanda Centre.

On the evening of Monday 29 May, Nalanda members and volunteers welcomed Ven. Alokavamsa and Sayalay Mitta Devi to Nalanda Centre.  Venerable Alokavamsa and Sayalay Mitta Devi are both from Indonesia, and will be staying at Nalanda until the middle of June.

During their stay, we invite you to join us at 7.30 pm for evening chanting and meditation sittings led by Ven. Alokavamsa, as well to offer breakfast and lunch dāna at 7am and 11am respectively.  Please note that there may be changes to the schedule, therefore please call Nalanda Centre at 03-89381500 for any queries.  All are welcome.

Paying respects at the Main Shrine.

Ven. Alokavamsa hails from Indonesia practising under the Pa Auk Sayadaw tradition.

Accompanying Venerable are his students Sayalay Mitta Devi, Bro. Nyoman and Bro. Dwayne.

Nalandians were overjoyed to welcome Venerable back to Nalanda since his last visit in 2019.

Opportunity to offer Dāna each day.

Nalandians rejoicing for having the opportunity to offer Dāna each day.

Listening attentively to the Dhamma talk given by Venerable.