Sis. G G Tan receiving her "Nalanda Award" from Ven. Sri Saranankara Mahathero in December 2007.
25 August marks the 4th anniversary of Sis. G.G.Tan, Lee Ah Yem, Julie Ang, and Jennie Cheong’s passing. The four of them perished in an accident on 25 August 2009 while on a pilgrimage to Ladakh, India.
On this solemn occasion, Nalanda would like to extend our regards to their families and friends. We shall always remember their wholesome deeds and contributions to the Buddha-Sasana. Nalanda will dedicate prayers and transfer merits to them on 24 and 25 August. Bro.Tan will also be giving a memorial talk in their honour at NEO Centre Johor Bahru, at 8.30pm on 24 August.
May they be free from strife, and may they find eternal Peace. SOTTHI.