Informative and inspiring 5th Members’ Day

Informative and inspiring 5th Members’ Day

Members of Nalanda SP Branch paying full attention to Bro. Tan’s talk at the 5th Members’ Day.

On Saturday 26 July, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch members had an informative and inspiring 5th Members’ Day in Gurun. Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan gave an excellent teaching on the “eight worldly conditions” – gain and loss, fame and disrepute, praise and blame, pleasure and pain.

The way to overcome suffering that arises from changing conditions is by cultivating the five strengths (“bala”) of faith, energetic effort, mindfulness, tranquility and wisdom. We need to develop spiritual strength so that when faced with challenges in life, we can accept these vicissitudes with calmness, composure and non-attachment.

Bro. Tan giving a teaching on the “eight worldly conditions” in the first-half of the session.

Members were indeed grateful and appreciative that Bro. Tan spent time guiding us in this important monthly meeting, despite his very busy schedule. The 6th Members’ Day is scheduled on Saturday, 23 August. All branch members are cordially invited to attend. Thank you and mettā.