From 14 – 23 February, 30 yogis embarked on ten days of intensive retreat under the guidance of Ven. Gavesi. They learnt to cultivate serenity and insight under the Mahasi tradition with daily teachings by Ven. Gavesi, extended sitting and walking meditation sessions, mindful eating, and group interviews with Venerable.
The serene environment of Wisdom Park proved conducive for the yogis. Many shared their joy and inspiration after the retreat as they experienced deeper peace, and from the many reflections they had observing their minds and how it reacts.
We thank Ven. Gavesi for conducting this meditation retreat that brought great benefit to our yogis. We wish Venerable good health, long life, happiness and peace, and to continue guiding us in cultivating the Dhamma.
Participants earnestly upholiding the Eight Precepts throughout the retreat to uplift and ennoble the mind.
Daily guidance by Ven. Gavesi as he teaches participants the techniques of Vipassana meditation under the Mahasi tradition, and how to reflect wisely.
Daily offering of dāna. On one of the days, the retreatants were also blessed by the presence of Ven. Ajahn Sunando, a fervent meditator himself.