Inspiring Teenagers’ Learning Camp

Inspiring Teenagers’ Learning Camp

Teenage participants unleashing their creative minds.

Teenage participants unleashing their creative minds during the camp.

From 16 to 18 December 2016, Nalanda Dhamma School organized another wonderful teenagers’ learning camp themed ‘Inspector Me’.  74 youngsters ranging from 13 to 17 years old took part in the programme held at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.

Throughout the camp, participants had opportunities to practise introspection in order to understand themselves better.  They were also guided to discover the importance of Dhamma through various activities such as meditation, mindful eating and group discussions.  Team activities also fostered fellowship and goodwill amongst participants.

Sis. Sunanda giving the teenagers a talk.

Director of Nalanda Dhamma School Sis. Sunanda giving a talk to the campers.

Participants observe meditation and chanting.

Participants practise meditation and chanting every morning and evening during the camp.

Nalanda’s annual learning camp for teenagers has become a highly sought-after programme because participants get to enjoy meaningful time cultivating wholesome habits and making many good spiritual friends.

Communal meals were held throughout the camp.

Communal meals were held throughout the camp for participants to learn the real purpose and value of food.

Team sports and games strengthen bonds and friendship.

Team sports and games strengthen bonds and friendship.

Conclusion of the inspiring camp.

Conclusion of the inspiring camp – thank you organisers, volunteers, benefactors and participants!