Installation of 15th YDP Agong

Installation of 15th YDP Agong

Sultan Muhammad V taking the oath of office.

Sultan Muhammad V taking the oath of office as the 15th Yang DiPertuan Agong of Malaysia.

Nalanda Buddhist Society members celebrate the official installation of His Majesty Sultan Muhammad V as the 15th Yang DiPertuan Agong of Malaysia, today.

In a unique rotation system of selecting the Yang DiPertuan Agong, the Sultan of Kelantan Tuanku Sultan Muhammad V, succeeded the Sultan of Kedah Tuanku Sultan Abdul Halim, as the Supreme Monarch of Malaysia on 13 December 2016 for a reign of 5 years.

The Sultans of Kedah and Kelantan.

Tuanku Sultan Abdul Halim of Kedah (left) and Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan.

We wish His Majesty a peaceful and successful reign, with the best of health and blessings.  Daulat Tuanku!

Sultan Muhammad V leaving Kota Bharu in December 2016 to take up residence in Kuala Lumpur to begin his 5-year reign as YDP Agong of Malaysia.