Join us for Heritage Procession tonight

Join us for Heritage Procession tonight

Sedan bearers prepare and align their coordination.

Preparations are almost done for the Heritage Procession which starts at 7pm tonight at Nalanda Centre.  We invite you to join us for this unique cultural experience where the Buddharupam is conveyed on a wooden sedan to the harmonious beat of drums and gongs, accompanied by beautifully hand-crafted paraphernalia.

After the procession is the Dhamma Appreciation Night featuring a Dhamma talk by Ajahn Dton Dhirapanno, the co-abbot of Wat Pah Boon Lorm in Ubon, Thailand, and performances by Nalanda Youth Centre and Dhamma School.  Come with your loved ones for a meaningful and spiritual Wesak celebration.  All are welcome.

Volunteers for traffic control are all ready to help ensure a smooth flow tonight.

Come and watch the performance of Dhamma through Drama by Nalanda Dhamma School students and youth.

Flag bearers practising their routine.

Sis. Nandini Tan leads the students to reflect on their roles in this Buddha Day Observance, and how we should do it well as a way to honour our Enlightened Teacher, the Buddha.

Sis. Lau Wei Nee with the Dhamma through Drama group.

Flag raising before the start of Mass Food Offering.

Practising for the procession.