Joy of Gratitude at ‘Tea-offering Ceremony’

Joy of Gratitude at ‘Tea-offering Ceremony’

Children and teenagers learn and practise the values of respect, gratitude and humility at the “Tea-offering Ceremony”.

Last Sunday 9 February, devotees, volunteers and Dhamma School students gathered at Nalanda Centre to participate in the “Tea-offering Ceremony” and Gratitude Day.  This annual tradition is hosted by Nalanda Dhamma School and is an opportunity for us to express our appreciation to our parents, teachers and elders for their support and care.

After the morning learning sessions, students and children bowed with reverence to their elders, with an understanding of their sacrifices and selfless efforts.  Their guidance and love have enabled us to grow with confidence and learn wholesome values.  Parents and teachers then chanted blessings and extended their good wishes for our well-being.

The Dhamma Teaching Hall was filled with devotees who relish the opportunity to participate in the Gratitude Day every year.

The simple gesture of bowing to our elders is an enduring tradition to show our gratitude.

Youths happily express their appreciation to their parents.

In a simple activity, students learned that spending time together to understand and care for their family members is important to achieve family well-being.

Children are also grateful to their parents for the opportunity to learn Dhamma.

A heartwarming sight as good friends express their thanks to each other.

Everyone tried their hand at calligraphy with the support of their friends and family.

We would like to thank the facilitators of Nalanda Dhamma School for organising this meaningful programme and everyone who participated in this ceremony.  May we continue to take every opportunity to express our appreciation to our elders and teachers through our speech, thoughts and conduct.