Joyful Gardening to welcome Wesak

Joyful Gardening to welcome Wesak

Nalanda Dharma School students happily gardening away on weekends in Sri Serdang. Sadhu!

As Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ approaches, Nalandian ‘gardeners’ joyfully laboured to spruce up the neighbourhood to welcome thousands of devotees come 1st to 3rd May.  Every weekend, adults and youngsters would descend upon the garden with their tools to clean and green the surroundings and plant new flowering shrubs.

Bro. Vincent Lee and Sis. Amy leading the greening efforts at Nalanda Centre.

Under the leadership of Bro. Vincent Lee, the gardening team is largely responsible for the pleasant environment that meets the visitor to Nalanda Centre, with various indoor and outdoor plants adding a serene touch to the peaceful ambience.  We thank all our young and adult gardeners for your earnest work in making the environs so conducive for our calmness.  Sadhu anumodana!

Nalanda Dharma School students taking care of their little 'nursery'.

Other students were pruning up the hedges besides Nalanda House. Well done and thank you everyone!