Joyful learning with Ayya Santinī

Joyful learning with Ayya Santinī

A joyful group photo with Ayya Santinī.

Yesterday, Monday 11 December, Nalanda members had the priviledge of welcoming Ven. Ayya Santinī, Abbess of Wisma Kusalayani in Bandung, to Wisdom Park for the first time.  This timely visit during the Society’s 9th National Members’ Convention, presented a wonderful platform for members from across Malaysia to ask questions pertaining to their practice and missionary calling, in a Dhamma chat with Ayya Santinī, a missionary herself.

Ayya related much useful advice to questions, using similes and stories we could relate to.  Likening our training to a field of paddy, we need to constantly clear the weeds just as we need to clear our defilements.  With the consistent weakening of greed, hatred and delusion (lobha, dosa and moha), we will be more effective missionaries to inspire others to learn and walk the Dhamma path.

Welcoming Ayya upon her arrival at Wisdom Park.

Sis. Nandini Tan leads the group in hosting Ayya before the Dhamma chat.

Sis. Buddhini Tan happily welcomes and reacquaints with Ayya Santinī.

Ayya reminds us that it is good to recollect good deeds so that we continue to do more good deeds.

Members seeking Ayya’s advice.

Ayya Santinī has adjourned back to Nalanda Centre and we invite you to join us for tonight’s Dhamma talk to learn from Ayya.  The service will start at 8pm with chanting.  All are welcome!

“At the very least, when we wake up and before we go to sleep we should remind ourselves to reduce our defilements.”

Nalanda youths also took the opportunity to seek advice on their own practice.

Members respectfully and with gratitude offered lunch dana to Ayya Santinī.