Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia President Sis. Wenny Lo and other officers welcoming visitors to their new ‘home’ – BFI House.
This Wesak month must be a very significant one for members of Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia (BFI) as they celebrate Buddha Day (or ‘Hari Waisak’ in Indonesia) at their marvelous new ‘home’ – the BFI House. After 8 years of operating from rented premises, BFI has moved into their delightful and welcoming new centre located in Kelapa Gading District, North Jakarta.
Bro. Tan and several other Nalandians were fortunate enough to be part of the joyful celebrations marking the opening of BFI House over 3 days, from 2 to 4 May. Joining the Nalandians on the trip to Jakarta were Bro. Teo Yew Thong and Sis. Joycelyn from Buddhist Fellowship Singapore.
The EXCO of Pemuda Theravada Indonesia, PATRIA (in light-blue uniform), also joined in the discussions at BFI House.
The visitors immediately felt at home in Jakarta as their BFI hosts welcomed them with open-hearts and utmost hospitality! Indeed, meeting with fellow Dhamma-practitioners usually brings out a lot of wholesome qualities and feelings that bond everyone together in spiritual camaraderie.
We shall be reporting on Bro. Tan and the Nalandian officers’ recent trip to Jakarta over the next few days. Sadhu anumodantu!