Joyful ‘Sangha Day’ at Nalanda K.L.

Joyful ‘Sangha Day’ at Nalanda K.L.

KL branch members celebrated their annual ‘Sangha Day’ on 12 November 2017.

On Sunday 12 November, Nalandians at the Kuala Lumpur Branch in Happy Garden celebrated ‘Sangha Day’ with much joy.  Devotees observed the occasion with meritorious acts of meditation, pūja and chanting, followed by a Dhamma talk by Sis. Sunanda, who shared about the importance of revering and supporting the Buddhist monastic order.

After the Dhamma talk, many people presented robes and requisites to the two venerable monks invited to NEO Centre K.L.  Devotees also had the opportunity to offer ‘Sanghika Dāna’ to the venerables, followed by lunch for everyone.

Sis. Sunanda gave a talk on the significance of robe-offering in Theravāda Buddhism.

We thank the venerable monks for their kind  presence and generous devotees for their active participation in this happy occasion.  Sadhu anumodana!