Joyful service at Silver Lining Day

Joyful service at Silver Lining Day

Group photo of all the children and volunteers at the learning centre.

On Saturday 18 August, 45 Nalanda Youth members and volunteers engaged with the children of Mon Learning Centre during the Silver Lining Day programme. This programme is organised by Nalanda Youth Centre to provide an avenue for young volunteers to practice kindness by offering their service to the community.

Breaking through language differences with kindness and friendship, the youths organised fellowship activities with the children, emphasising on mindfulness and teamwork.  Each child and resident were also very grateful to receive Care Bags from the Family Fun Fair project, as well as a healthy lunch prepared by youths and volunteers.

A mindful moment during the group activities.

Nalanda youths hosting the event.

Fellow games with all the children.

Inculcating patience.

Presenting a Buddhist hymn.

Birthday celebrations together.

We rejoice over this wonderful programme to extend help and spread joy to the Mon community.  May the seeds of service and giving continue to grow and be nourished in our youths.  Sadhu.

Youth leaders having a light hearted discussion with the Sangha member there.

A briefing before the youths set off from Nalanda Centre.

For more photos, please click here