Joyful Teenagers’ Learning Camp in Johor Bahru

Joyful Teenagers’ Learning Camp in Johor Bahru

Group photograph of organisers, volunteers and participants at the conclusion of the teenagers' learning camp at Johor Buddhist Mission.

Report by Lee Hui Yean  |  Photographs by Wong Yee Sheng

It proved a busy but fruitful school holiday last month for facilitators and students of Nalanda Dharma School, as they traversed from Selangor to Johor and Kelantan to organize learning camps for teenagers.

From 31 May to 3 June, the Dharma School and Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch co-organized a 4-day Teenagers’ Learning Camp at the Johor Buddhist Mission in Johor Bahru.   A total of 60 participants aged 13 – 17 years took part in this wonderful camp.

Participants having a fun and enjoyable time learning together in the 4-day camp.

The 4 days were happily spent learning and growing together, as participants’ understanding of the theme “Gratitude” was steadily clarified through various meaningful activities including Dhamma sharing, group discussions, outings, a heritage tour, and character-building games.

Having fun playing 'obstacle course' games at the camp.

Daily activities at the camp include Dhamma sharing (left), discussions (centre), and meditation (right).

At the camp’s closing ceremony, many participants expressed their gratitude to the facilitators and volunteers for their effort in making it so meaningful and enjoyable.  It was truly a memorable learning experience in Johor Bahru for all camp participants and organizers.  Sadhu anumodana!

Nalanda Dharma School students took the opportunity to visit and stay at NEO Centre Johor Bahru.