Joyfully preparing for twin celebrations

Joyfully preparing for twin celebrations

The ushering and serving team having their training session on the field fronting Nalanda Centre.

Nalanda Centre is teeming with activity as Nalandians prepare to receive more than 1,200 benefactors and supporters this Saturday to mark the Society’s 15th Anniversary Appreciation Night.  The final touches are also underway to launch the newly-constructed K. Sri Dhammananda Centre on the same evening.

For the past few months, the Organising Committee has been diligently planning for the Appreciation Night.  This large-scale event is customarily held once every 5 years – previously it was held to mark Nalanda’s 5th anniversary (in 2008) and 10th anniversary (in 2013).

The Organising Committee briefing Bro.Tan on their preparations for Appreciation Night.

250 members, youths and Dhamma school students are engaged in important roles such as hosting guests and helping with logistics.  Volunteers have been attending training sessions to ensure everyone is ready for the big day.

Volunteers working hard at Nalanda Centre every day to help out with preparation work.

The gardening team greening K. Sri Dhammananda Centre in time to welcome our guests.

There is much unity of purpose and harmony in the preparation work as every Nalandian volunteer look forward to fully contribute to the event.  We rejoice in the selfless service of so many people who have committed their time and effort to ensure the success of Appreciation Night this Saturday.  Sadhu anumodana!