K. Sri Dhammananda Centre progress

K. Sri Dhammananda Centre progress

Demolition of ‘Nalanda House’ began on 19 September and took 3 weeks to complete.

‘Nalanda House’ was formally handed over to the appointed contractors on 9 September.  Demolition of the building began on 19 September and took 3 weeks to complete.  The old foundation was also dug up in order for piling work to commence.

Nalandians are happy to see the construction finally taking off, and work is progressing well.  The redevelopment of the facility into ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ (KSDC) will take approximately 12 months, and the new building will be welcoming its first batch of Dhamma School students in January 2019.

Donation Appeal

We would like to appeal for your donations to help us complete this vital and noble school project to provide a place for more children and teenagers to learn Dhamma.

Contribution of any amount is welcome, and can be made at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang, or  via bank transfer to :

Nalanda Buddhist Society” – Maybank account number 5121-4702-3622.

Thank you for your good wishes and kind support.  Let us build this Dhamma-learning facility for the benefit, welfare and happiness of generations to come!  Sadhu.