K. Sri Dhammananda Centre to be launched today

K. Sri Dhammananda Centre to be launched today

The building is named after Nalanda’s late Spiritual Adviser, and is dedicated to Buddhist education.

Tonight at 9.00pm, the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ in Sri Serdang will be officially launched by the Maha Sangha. The newly-completed building is named after Nalanda’s late Spiritual Adviser, and is dedicated to Buddhist education and Dhamma propagation.

At the same time, we are celebrating Nalanda Buddhist Society’s 15th anniversary with a simple dinner in honour of our teachers, benefactors, and supporters.  Their unwavering support enables Nalanda to continuously offer Dhamma-learning programmes for the community since our establishment in 2003.

We look forward to welcoming invited guests, volunteers, and members back to Nalanda Centre this evening at 6.30pm, to commemorate these two joyous occasions together! Sadhu anumodana.