Keat Hwa School students visit Nalanda

Keat Hwa School students visit Nalanda

Photograph of the visiting group from the Buddhist Society of Keat Hwa Secondary School in Alor Star.

Report by Lee Hui Yean

On Saturday 1 November, a group of 38 students and 2 teachers from the Buddhist Society of Keat Hwa Secondary School in Alor Star, made a half-day visit to Nalanda Centre.  They were warmly received by Nalandians, and thereafter everyone joyfully listened to a Dhamma sharing by Sis. Nandini Tan.

Sis. Nandini explaining the symbols at the Main Shrine.

Our young friends from the North were taken on a tour of Nalanda Centre and Youth Centre.  They also got to experience a ‘communal lunch’, which provided a good opportunity to foster friendship and camaraderie in Dhamma with Nalandians.

Our visitors were hosted to a vegetarian lunch.

We wish to thank our friends from Keat Hwa Secondary School for visiting us, and also for attending Nalanda’s “Xuan Zang” educational musical that same evening.  We hope that you have enjoyed the ‘Nalanda Experience’, and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Having fun with ‘selfies’.