Kindness and patience lead to spiritual goals

Kindness and patience lead to spiritual goals

Service Sunday puja - chanting.

Service Sunday puja – chanting.

On Sunday 11 October, Dhamma teacher Sis. Tan Yee Yong gave a talk based on 10 Buddhist stories taken from the Jataka Tales, Samyutta Nikaya, and Majjhima Nikaya.  One of the stories, taken from Samyutta Nikaya 11.6(6) The Bird Nests, tells of how kindness saved Sakka, lord of the devas and his army who were escaping from their enemy, the asuras.

While attempting to elude their pursuers, the only safe passage was through a forest filled with nesting birds. As Sakka did not want to harm the birds, he instructed his charioteer Matali to turn around, even though it meant certain death.  However, the asuras, seeing Sakka and his army coming towards them, assumed the devas were prepared for a second battle, became terrified, and fled instead.

Sis. Yee Yong giving a Dhamma talk.

Sis. Yee Yong giving a Dhamma talk.

Each story was a reminder to us to do good deeds, be kind, patient and persevere, as these virtues will help us attain spiritual goals.

Bro. Tan imparts words of encouragement to Nalandians.

Bro. Tan imparts words of encouragement to Nalandians.

Afterwards, Bro. Tan gave a short talk and encouraged devotees to prioritise cultivation in their daily lives, and use wisdom to realise what is truly essential, be it at work or in personal relationships. Sadhu anumodana.