Launching of ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centenary Celebrations’

Launching of ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centenary Celebrations’

Honour those who are worthy of honour, this is blessing supreme.” – Mangala Sutta, Sutta Nipata.

18 March 2018 marks the birth centenary of the Most Venerable Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero (1918 – 2006), the late Sanghanāyaka Thera of Malaysia, and Nalanda’s Spiritual Adviser.

Nalanda Buddhist Society, together with the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia, Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia, and 8 other Buddhist organisations are jointly organising a series of programmes from now until March 2019 to commemorate his centenary.


The launching of will be held this weekend at the following venues:

Saturday, 17 March  ( the Eve of 100th birthday )

7.30 pm – 9.30 pm | Buddhist Māha Vihāra (BMV), Kuala Lumpur

‘Bodhi Puja’ to launch the Centenary Celebrations, with subsequent speeches by Ven. Datuk Sri Dhammaratana, BMV President, and Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee.


Sunday, 18 March   ( 100th birth anniversary )

9.00 am – 12.00 pm | Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang

Centenary Celebrations with Dhamma sharings by Achariya S. Vijaya, Achariya Tan Siang Chye, Datuk Charlie Chia, Bro. Ananda Fong, and Sis. Paruadi; followed by Lunch Dāna to the Māha Sangha headed by Ven. B. Sri Saranankara.


Let us all come together to pay tribute to Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda’s invaluable teachings and immeasurable contributions to the development of Malaysian Buddhism.  All are welcome to the launching of the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centenary Celebration, 2018 – 2019’ this weekend!