Facilitators and participants of the ‘Career & Education Workshop’ organised by Nalanda Free School.
On 23 July, Nalanda Free School hosted a ‘Career & Education Workshop’ for fifth formers to guide them in choosing tertiary courses and making career choices. Counselor Bro. Aggaphala Yap conducted the session, starting by introducing many career fields available nowadays.
Bro. Aggaphala advised that career choices should consider one’s own passion, interests, competencies, Right Livelihood, and family expectations, among others. It is also important to take proactive approach in planning and working towards one’s career option.
Simple assessment to allow students to know their own competencies, areas of interests and thus career options suitable for them.
Workshop participants took simple tests and played games in order to understand their own areas of competencies, and the career options that are suitable for them. Through this workshop, they now better understanding themselves in terms of character, interests and expectation towards their future career.
We thank Nalanda Free School for organizing this timely seminar for secondary school-leavers, and to Bro. Aggaphala for conducting the workshop. Sadhu.