Contact tracing is also crucial in controlling widespread community infections.
Over 6 million people globally have been infected by the Covid-19 pandemic to-date, and more than 370,000 people have died. While many parts of the world are still in lock-down, several countries are now experiencing a decline in infections after months of combating the disease. However, even as some governments look towards easing restrictions and resuming economic activities, a few countries that had flattened the curve are reporting a second wave of infections.
This uncertainty looms over us, charging our minds with negativity and worry. We must be mindful of our thoughts and not let anxiety run wild in our minds. All things whether good or bad are impermanent and will come to pass. Keep our minds clear so that we may help those affected by the virus directly or indirectly, as well as support the efforts of front-liners who are working hard to save lives.
Each of us can make a difference by staunchly maintaining harmlessness to others and ourselves, which includes observing a high standard of personal hygiene, social distancing, and enabling contact tracing. Let us remain vigilant and continue doing our part to end this pandemic. May those who are ill recover soonest, and those who perished rest in Peace.