Meaning of ‘Sāmaggī’ explained

Meaning of ‘Sāmaggī’ explained

Bro. Tan giving a Dhamma talk on the meaning and spirit of Sāmaggī.

Bro. Tan giving a Dhamma talk on the meaning and spirit of Sāmaggī.

On Sunday 28 February, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan shared with us the spirit of ‘Sāmaggī’, which means harmony, peaceful coexistence, and inner tranquility when living with other people.  Real ‘Sāmaggī’ can be achieved by noble beings, but is difficult for those without the nobility of mind. When the mind is tranquil, one will experience peace and harmony wherever one lives.  A mind that is not peaceful can be easily agitated.

Without tranquility there is no joy, no serenity, and ultimately, no wisdom; and without wisdom we are unable to see the truth.  This foundation of our spiritual life must be established and developed.  We thank Bro. Tan for his insightful talk and may we always have the spirit of Sāmaggī in our hearts.  Sadhu anumodana.