Living in harmony with all beings

Living in harmony with all beings

Report by Chan Jia Xin.
Dato’ Charlie Chia speaking on the important topic of living in harmony.

Dato’ Charlie Chia speaking on the important topic of living in harmony.

In conjunction with Nalanda’s monthly ‘Sāmaggī Day’ on 23 October, Dato’ Charlie Chia gave a Dhamma teaching on how to live in true harmony.  He spoke about the six conditions of congeniality in reference to the Māhaparinibbāna Sutta and Dhammapada Commentary.

Dato’ Charlie said that at the heart of a harmonious home or society is tolerance and compromise.  We must learn to treat each other with decorum, honour, respect, kindness, generosity and compassion.  The ability to treat each other with such love and consideration leads to social progress and happiness.  The Buddha went even further by encouraging us to live in harmony not just with other people, but also with all beings and with nature.


Another important factor conducive to harmony is living with mindfulness.  Dato’ Charlie reminded devotees that as Buddhists, it is very important to be watchful and mindful of the present moment as what we do now affects the future.  Our thought, speech and action also affect those around us; thus we must take care to watch our minds.

Another talk in Mandarin by Sis. Nandini, also on the same topic.

Parallel to the English Dhamma talk is another talk in Mandarin by Sis. Nandini, also on the same topic.

Devotees having a discussion after the talk.

Devotees having a discussion after the talk to clarify and consolidate their learning.

Dato’ Charlie concluded his talk by quoting Dhammapada verse 5, “Hatred never ceases through hatred; through love alone they cease.  This is an eternal law.”  May we never harbour hatred towards another, but instead act with a mind full of love – living happily in cordiality.

Nalanda Board Member Bro. Vincent presenting a token of appreciation to Dato' Charlie.

Nalanda Board Member Bro. Vincent (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Dato’ Charlie for his wonderful Sunday talk at Nalanda.