Living mindfully in the present

Living mindfully in the present

Venerable Rewatha giving a Dhamma talk on mindfull living.

Venerable Rewatha giving a Dhamma talk on mindful living.

On 6 December, Venerable Rewatha from Glasgow, Scotland gave a Dhamma talk on mindfulness. He began his talk with an oft-quoted gatha from the Dhammapada: “Sabbapāpassa akaranam kusalassa upasampadā sacitta pariyodapanam etam buddhāna sāsanam.”

Not to commit anything unwholesome; to cultivate goodness;
to purify one’s own mind – this is the Teaching of all Buddhas.

~ Dhammapada verse 183

Devotees greeting Ven. Rewatha at Nalanda Centre on 'Service Sunday'.

Devotees greeting Ven. Rewatha at Nalanda Centre on ‘Service Sunday’.

He reminded the devotees that mindfulness and “living in the here and now” were crucial if they understand the teaching of the Buddhas.  He explained that one had to be aware of the present moment at all times to reduce the harmful effects of stress in our daily lives.  Mindfulness is a skill which we can sharpen with practice.  When we are mindful, we can easily avoid pitfalls and we will have the tendency to gravitate towards virtue and goodness.

Ven. Rewatha answering questions on how to live mindfully.

Ven. Rewatha answering questions on how to live mindfully.

We thank Ven. Rewatha for his wonderful talk and wish him every success in his Dhammaduta tour of Malaysia and Singapore.  Sadhu anumodana!