Looking forward to the future at ‘Education and Career Workshop’

Looking forward to the future at ‘Education and Career Workshop’

Teenagers and young adults were in high spirits having gained a better understanding on how they can make better informed decisions in life.

On Saturday 16 April, over 30 teenagers and young adults gathered at K. Sri Dhammananda Centre, Sri Serdang to learn about how they can equip themselves to make well-guided decisions for their education and career as they come to one of many crossroads in life.  The Education and Career Workshop was organised by Nalanda Youth Centre and conducted by Mr. Lok Eng Hong and Sis. Buddhinī Tan.

Mr. Lok gave a presentation with an in-depth view of the current macro and economic environment.   He then guided participants through a hands-on session on identifying their priorities, motives and longer-term goals in order to make a more informed education and career path.  The participants were then grouped to discuss case studies based on real-life experiences of decision-making, which they then presented to the speakers and participants.

The workshop started with a welcoming and ice-breaking session by Bro. Yap Kuan Yi.

Mr. Lok shared his experience of how he navigated through his educational and career paths.

Participants could better discuss and express their understanding with their peers.


Presentation skills were also practised and tested as each group presented their discussion.

We extend our appreciation to Mr. Lok and Sis Buddhinī for their guidance to the participants, and to the organisers of this timely programme.  By gaining more clarity about the options they have and their own ambitions, we hope the participants are able to develop more surety in the path which they choose, and we wish them success in their future endeavours.

On the spot feedback were given to the groups so that they can identify strengths and points for improvement.