Maintaining family well-being and harmony

Maintaining family well-being and harmony

Bro. Tan reminded Nalandians to be heedful and practise moderation.

On Sunday 15 February, Bro. Tan gave a brief sharing in conjunction with the upcoming Chinese New Year.  He began by paraphrasing Tolstoy, “Unhappy families are unhappy for many reasons. Happy families are always happy for the same reasons”.  The key to family well-being and harmony is genuine love, appreciation, respect, and simplicity.

Bro. Tan also reminded Nalandians to be heedful and practise moderation.  Be contented and do not entrap ourselves by comparing or competing with others.  We can also perform wholesome deeds during the holidays such as going to the local temple to offer our services.  “Be a good practitioner, and a good friend.  In this way, we celebrate a spiritual and meaningful New Year!”

May all beings be well, peace and happy.  Have a joyful Lunar New Year!