Malaysia – My Country, My Home

Malaysia – My Country, My Home

Wishing all Malaysians home and abroad 'Happy Independence Day' - "Salam Merdeka ke-57"!

On 31 August 2014, we celebrate Malaysia’s 57th Independence Day.  Arguably, it has been a difficult year for Malaysia with the twin accidents of MH370 and 17 still fresh in our thoughts.  Yet we have faith that with collective will and unity, we can overcome such tragedies as one nation and people.

As we celebrate ‘Merdeka Day’, let us recall the services and sacrifices of our predecessors and fellow countrymen for the nation.  Let us also recollect the blessings and good fortune we have enjoyed over the years.  Indeed, there is much to be thankful for, but also much to hope for.  There is great work to be done to achieve a more balanced national growth and equitable society.

On this memorable day, we wish our fellow Malaysians home and abroad “Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke-57” (‘Happy 57th Independence Day’).  May all of us continue to cherish and preserve our harmony and peace for a long time to come!