Mandarin Team marks 6 months on the job

Mandarin Team marks 6 months on the job

Part of the Chinese-Language Communications Team having discussion a few days ago. From left: Sis. Sundarī, Sis. Nandinī, Sis. Sua, Bro. Khor, and Sis. Ang.

Nalanda’s Chinese-Language Communications Team marked their six months on the job this week.  Back in March, the team launched a Mandarin Facebook page to reach out to more people.  The posts published there comprise original designs, new articles by teachers, and interviews with volunteers.  So far the page has received very encouraging support due to the quality of its contents.

Seeing the positive response to those inspiring articles, the Chinese-Language Team decided to collect and publish them as a bulletin named “Nalanda 悦刊”.  Two issues (in May and July) numbering 7,000 copies have been printed and distributed nationwide by popular demand.  The September issue will be available soon.

We would like to thank members of the team for their dedicated work to reach out and benefit more people with their inspiring stories and insightful sharing.  You may encourage them likewise by viewing the page at, ‘Like’ it, or ‘Share’ articles that you like with family and friends.  Sadhu anumodana!