Mangala Lodge Altar Installed

Mangala Lodge Altar Installed

The trustees, Bro.Tan and UTAR students in a group photograph after the installation of the Buddha-Altar.

Bro. Tan accompanied by several Nalandians spent 3 days from 17 to 19 April in Kampar, Perak, to help install the Buddha-Altar at Mangala Lodge.  The installation of the Altar was timed to coincide with the auspicious Wesak New-moon Uposatha Day.

UTAR students helping to set up the Mangala Lodge Library with books donated by Pustaka Nalanda.

The Nalandians were joined by a group of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) undergraduates who helped to give the Lodge a thorough clean-up!  They also helped to set up the library and administrative office.  Mangala Lodge trustees Mr. and Mrs. Koh Lai Huat were on hand to welcome everyone to Kampar and generously hosted meals with accommodation.

Students helping to clean-up Mangala Lodge for the subsequent installation of the Buddha-Altar.

Everyone taking turns to iron the Altar-robe at Mangala Lodge.

Bro. Tan explaining the history and symbolism of the 'Buddharupam' (Buddha image).

The Buddha-Altar at Mangala Lodge is modeled after the one at Nalanda Education & Outreach Centre in Johor Bahru.  Its elegance lies in the simplicity and harmonious blend of shapes, colours, and rich Buddhist symbolism.  We rejoice with Mangala Lodge over the installation of its delightful Altar, and wish the Lodge much success in future!  Sadhu anumodana.

Joyful trustees and students with the elegant Buddha-Altar at Mangala Lodge. Sadhu anumodana!


The consecration of Mangala Lodge will be performed by Ven. Dhammavuddho Thero and Ven. Nyanaramsi Thero on Friday, 8 May 2015, at 11.30am.  There will be lunch dāna offered to the Sangha members, and luncheon for devotees.  All are welcome!