Meaningful and fulfilling Family Fun Fair

Meaningful and fulfilling Family Fun Fair

A spirited ‘Thank you’ to everyone for making this year’s Family Fun Fair a success!

Just six days ago on Sunday 13 August, the community came together at Nalanda Family Fun Fair 2023 for a joyous day to offer their service, support and encouragement for education.  In the cool of dawn, volunteers already started arriving at Nalanda Centre and were joined by stall operators in the early morning, who worked happily together to prepare to welcome family, friends and visitors for this long-awaited event.

Nalanda Dhamma Schools and Free School also set up stall after weeks of preparations, with much gratitude to the public for their support.  On this wholesome occasion, everyone had the opportunity to witness and rejoice during the roll-out of special programmes such as the donation of medical equipment to needy individuals and several welfare centres, as well as the hosting of children and elderly from charitable homes.

Nalanda Dhamma School students and facilitators supporting and encouraging each other throughout the fair.

Students of Tadika Nalanda delighted the audience with their performance.

It was the Family Dhamma School’s first Fun Fair, in which they introduced fresh ideas and games for families.

The morning started with Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels, Undertaking the Five Precepts and words of encouragement by Sis. Buddhini Tan, President.

The shuttle service eased the travels of many people who took the train to Serdang.

Bro. Vincent, Organising Committee Chairman thanked everyone for their kind support and participation during the Opening Ceremony.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to everyone for their kindness, compassion and efforts in making this Family Fun Fair an unforgettable event.  We are inspired by the concord and unity shown by everyone; let us together forge forward to continue providing holistic education programmes for the benefit of many individuals, families and communities.  Sadhu anumodana!

Families learning more about Nalanda’s educational programmes at the outdoor exhibition.

Family Dhamma School created their own choo-choo train ride for families to have fun together.

We rejoice in the high spirits of the students of Family Dhamma School.

YB Ng Sze Han, Sis. Buddhini Tan and Sis. Livin presented the medical supplies to welfare homes.

We were also very happy to welcome Tuan Mohan Singh to the Fair.

Nalanda Free School teachers, students and past students had put in much effort to set up stall, with much gratitude for the support of the community.

Members, students and volunteer continue to keep up the spirit of working together as the clean up began in the late afternoon.

Everyone is still in high spirits after a day of service, as they rejoice in a day well spent.

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