Meaningful day of Dhamma learning & practice

Meaningful day of Dhamma learning & practice

Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan giving Dhamma teaching to devotees eager to learn the Buddha-Word.

Nalanda recently observed Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ with 3 days of Dhamma-learning and meditation programmes.  On Wesak Eve 2 May, a day of Dhamma teaching, group discussions and meditation was organised at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.   Devotees started the day with meditation, Pūja and chanting, followed by Dhamma Teaching by Nalanda Founder Bro Tan.

Bro. Tan quoted ‘Majjhima Nikāya’ (MN) Sutta 45 and 46, where he elaborated on the four ways of undertaking things, i.e. (1) pleasant now but ripens in the future as pain; (2) painful now and ripens in the future as pain; (3) painful now and ripens in the future as pleasure; (4) pleasant now and ripens in the future as pleasure.   He reminded us on the dangers of sensual desires, which are likened to the maluva-creeper.  Fulfilment of craving only rekindles more craving, instead of extinguishing it.  A good practitioner therefore always treasures the spirit of renunciation.

Meditation sessions were repeated throughout the day to calm our minds and reinforce our learning.

After lunch, Bro. Ananda Fong took over and shared about the ‘Ten Righteous Conducts’ and ‘Ten Unrighteous Conducts’ from MN.41 ‘Sāleyyaka Sutta’.  He also elaborated on gradual training, practice, and progress in the Dhamma and Discipline, as recorded in MN.107 ‘Ganaka-moggallāna Sutta’.  Thereafter, devotees got into groups for discussions and self-reflection to consolidate what they have learnt.  Sadhu anumodana!

Devotees offering lunch dāna to Ven. Nandasara and Ven. Gunananda who were visiting for a few days.

After lunch, Director of Pustaka Nalanda Bro. Ananda Fong gave a talk on the ‘Sāleyyaka Sutta’ and ‘Ganaka-moggallāna Sutta’.

Participants then got into groups for discussions and self-reflection to consolidate what they have learnt.