On 3 August, Dr. Phang Cheng Kar, a practising psychiatrist and a resident speaker at Nalanda, delivered a talk on ‘Meditation made easy’ during Service Sunday. The talk attracted a large crowd as the practice of meditation, with scientifically-proven benefits, is becoming more popular worldwide. We perform exercises to achieve physical well-being; but the key to attain mental well-being is through meditation.
Dr. Phang skillfully introduced five innovative but easy ‘tools’ from the ‘Mindful-Gym’ Program: 1. “NOW-ing” I (labeling actions) & II (‘H.T.C.’ (hearing, touching, seeing); 2. ‘Gratitude M-Gym’: searching for what went well in our lives and rejoice/celebrate it; 3. ‘Equanimity M-Gym’: searching for what went wrong but recognize that it could have been worst; 4. ‘Loving-kindness M-Gym’: sending good wishes to people around us; and 5. ‘Mindful-S.T.O.P.’. Dr. Phang also shared about practical methods to overcome negative emotions that may arise during challenging times.
Dr. Phang's talk was lively, interactive, and provides many useful pointers on how to start 'meditating'.
The audience was delighted to learn many useful and pragmatic methods from the ‘Mindful-Gym’ Program. We would like to express our appreciation to Dr. Phang for his lively and hands-on sharing, which inspired and uplifted the spirit of the congregation. Sadhu anumodana!