Meditation retreat led by Luang Por Viradhammo

Meditation retreat led by Luang Por Viradhammo

Our deepest gratitude to everyone for making this retreat a fruitful experience for all.

Over the last holiday weekend, from 22 to 26 December, over 80 participants and volunteers gathered at Wisdom Park for the Meditation Retreat led by Luang Por Viradhammo, jointly organised with Dhamma Connect.  With Luang Por’s close guidance and advice, yogis better understood how to develop moment to moment awareness and put it into practice in the meditation sessions throughout the five days.

Meditators joyfully learned through his candid and personal accounts on how to bring feelings to consciousness in order to recognise them without getting attached to them.  Luang Por also shared ways to overcome hindrances such as torpor and restlessness by accepting occurrences as they are, instead of suppressing them.   As we incline towards the Brahmavihāra states of loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity, we will then incline towards lasting peace.

Welcoming Luang Por to Wisdom Park, a day before the retreat.

Sis. Nandini welcomed Luang Por and briefed him on the development of Wisdom Park.

On the first day of the retreat, Sis. Nandini gave a briefing to meditators.

Luang Por administered the Eight Precepts.

“We should start seeing planning for the future and thoughts of the past as an object, not a subject, and come back to the present.”

Luang Por also joined the sitting sessions together with the yogis.

Meditators relished the pearls of wisdom and memorable stories from Luang Por and extended their deepest appreciation for his inspiring and compassionate teachings.  We are grateful to Luang Por, the Organising Committee, participants and volunteers for making this retreat so fruitful and enriching.  May Luang Por be blessed with good health and success in his Dhamma propagation work as well as in his spiritual journey.  Sadhu anumodana.

Yogis making effort to improve their awareness during the walking meditation.

The retreat included morning and evening chanting every day.

Sitting session in the evening before the Dhamma talk.

On the final day, yogis expressed their appreciation and thanks to Luang Por, the Organising Committee and volunteers.

Yogis had the opportunity to offer breakfast dana to Luang Por.

Yogis and volunteers sending off Luang Por.

A group photo with Luang Por and volunteers.

For more photos, please click here