Meditation retreat with Ven. Gavesi

Meditation retreat with Ven. Gavesi

Ven. Gavesi giving the preliminary teaching on the first day of the retreat on meditation postures.

From 25 to 29 June, 30 participants gathered at Nalanda Centre for a non-residential Meditation Retreat for beginner and intermediate meditators, guided by Venerable Gavesi.

Meditators were given clear instructions on Vipassana meditation by Ven. Gavesi, who was trained in Samatha and Vipassana techniques under several teachers, such as the late Sayadaw U Pandita, Sayadaw Nyanapurnik, and Ven. Sujiva.  Participants were personally guided with patience, and their queries and doubts about their practice were skilfully answered by the teacher through small group interviews.

Throughout the retreat period, Ven. Gavesi gave nightly public Dhamma talks on cultivation.

Retreat participants offering meals to the venerable.

Throughout the 5-day retreat, Ven. Gavesi gave Dhamma talks to the public every evening.  His teachings mostly relate to the practice of meditation, with emphasis on enhancing our understanding of Dhamma through personal experience.

Ven. Gavesi having discussions with Nalanda founder, Bro Tan.

It was indeed an enlightening retreat for many participants.  We thank Ven. Gavesi for his compassion in guiding the practitioners closer to their realisation of truth.  May the meditators strive on diligently in their practice and never falter.  Sadhu anumodana!

Ven. Gavesi posing with participants at the conclusion of the 5-day retreat.