Meeting of national Buddhist federations

Meeting of national Buddhist federations

Representatives at the MBA-TBCM meeting.

Monastic and lay representatives attending the MBA-TBCM meeting.

On 8 September, two major Buddhist federations in Malaysia – the Malaysian Buddhist Association (MBA) and the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) – had a meeting in Subang Jaya to discuss recent issues and challenges affecting the Buddhist community in the country.

MBA, the largest and oldest Buddhist federation in Malaysia, was represented by its President Ven. Jit Heng (日恒長老), Assistant Honorary Treasurer Ven. Xian Kai (顯愷法師), and its Legal Consultant Sally Chee.  TBCM was represented by its Monastic Advisor Ven. Sri Saranankara, Lay Advisor Bro. Tan, President Bro. Chim, and EXCO Members.

MBA and TBCM leaders in consultation.

MBA and TBCM leaders exchanging ideas at the meeting.

The two-hour fruitful dialogue allowed MBA and TBCM to share information and establish common grounds on the way forward.  Both federations agree that unity among Buddhist organisations and followers is essential for the healthy growth of Malaysian Buddhism.  It was therefore decided that more frequent consultations should be held in future, especially to deliberate on major issues.

Bro. Tan further suggested that discussions be held at fixed intervals, and to include other Buddhist federations as well.  Sadhu!

MBA-TBCM meeting in Subang Jaya.

(From right) MBA President Ven. Jit Heng, TBCM Monastic Advisor Ven. Sri Saranankara, Ven. Sing Kan, Lay Advisor Bro. Tan, and TBCM President Bro. Chim.