On 30 April and 1 May, sixty Nalanda leaders from Sri Serdang and the branches in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani made full use of the long Labour Day weekend to attend the inaugural leadership conference at Nalanda Centre. The meeting was aimed at unifying hearts and sharing ideas on the Society’s way forward.
Nalanda founder Bro. Tan opened the conference in the morning of 30 April, where he congratulated and welcomed new branch officers who were elected in March. Bro. Tan also gave a talk on “What is Leadership?” at the gathering.
Nalanda officers having group discussions on ways to inculcate Buddhist culture into all programmes.
In the afternoon, Nalandians were honoured by the presence of Venerable Sri Saranankara Thero, the Abbot of Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Sentul. Ven. Saranankara advised Nalanda members to stay true to the Society’s mission, and continue their good work in gently propagating Dhamma among Buddhists throughout Malaysia.
The evening saw a ‘town hall’ style meeting with open discussions. There was much candour in the officers’ sharing, together with appreciation and gratitude for one another. Overall, it was another delightful meeting of hearts and minds, unified by Buddha-Dhamma.
We thank all the central and branch leaders for attending this important conference, and also for bringing much joyful inspiration to the meeting. Sadhu!