‘Melodies for the Heart’ opens tonight

‘Melodies for the Heart’ opens tonight

"Melodies for the Heart" concert opens tonight in Sungai Petani, Kedah. Thank you for your support!

After two months of preparation, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch is proud to welcome everyone to tonight’s concert to raise funds for the building of “Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre” in Bandar Mutiara, Sungai Petani.  The concert will be held at ‘Persatuan Pendidikan Akhlak Lip Seang Kor’ Hall (双溪大年 吉中德教会).  We would like to thank everyone who have kindly and generously sponsored this charity event, and bought tickets to the show.  Our gratitude and appreciation to all of you!  【慧心启航 祥音飘扬】慈善演唱会就在今天!让我们一起来为教育出一份力吧!